Welcome to Our Place @ Willunga Hill
This is Our Place @ Willunga Hill.
A few years ago, a little piece of Italy fell to the ground on the top
of Willunga Hill and, like a fertile seed, is now bearing fruit thanks
to the careful tending from the energetic members of the Clappis family.
Talking to Andy about how "Our Place Willunga Hill" came
about, you get the feeling that this man on a
journey, full of excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead.
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Our Place Recipes
Our Functions
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Seminars Workshops
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Our Place Sunday lunch
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Birthdays Celebrations
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Fun Times
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Our Service
We tailor Our Place to your needs and touches..

Prices include use of music system, wireless microphone, projector, setting up of room, and use of in house decorations.

Phone Numbers:
+61 417 879 551
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